Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
2023-10-16 15:34:30 | Company News          Page views:292

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), also known as Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIPS), is a fast spectral detection technique.

By focusing the laser pulse with high energy density on the surface of the target of the tested sample, the plasma is generated by ablation excitation, and then by analyzing the characteristic spectral lines radiated by the electron energy level transition of the particles in the plasma, the types and content information of the elements contained in the sample can be obtained.

Compared with the currently commonly used element detection methods, such as Inductively Coupled PlasmaOptical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES), Inductively coupled Plasmaoptical mass spectrometry (Inductively Coupled PlasmaOptical Emission Spectrometry) Coupled PlasmaMass Spectrometer (ICP-MS), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Spark Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy,SD-OES) Similarly, LIBS does not require sample preparation, can simultaneously detect multiple elements, can detect solid, liquid, and gas states, and can be tested remotely and online.


Therefore, since the advent of LIBS technology in 1963, it has attracted the wide attention of researchers in various countries. The detection capabilities of LIBS technology have been demonstrated many times in laboratory Settings. However, in the field environment or the actual situation of the industrial site, the LIBS technology needs to put forward higher requirements.

For example, the LIBS system under the laboratory optical platform is powerless in some cases when it is difficult to sample or transport samples due to dangerous chemicals, radioactive substances or other reasons, or when it is difficult to use large analytical equipment in a narrow space.

For some specific fields, such as field archaeology, mineral exploration, industrial production sites, real-time detection is more important, and the need for miniaturized, portable analytical equipment.

Therefore, in order to meet the needs of field operations and industrial production online detection and sample characteristics diversification, the portability of equipment, anti-harsh environment ability and other new characteristics have become new and higher requirements for LIBS technology in industrial applications, portable LIBS came into being, and has been widely concerned by researchers in various countries.